Emerald Ash Borer
Species: Emerald Ash Borer/planipennis Genus: Agrilus Family: Buprestidae/Metallic Wood-boring Beetles Identification: “Adult: elytra bright metallic green; pronotum golden-green; ventral surface lighter yellowish-green (with fine hairs in males, lacking in females); body narrow and elongate; head flat; eyes kidney-shaped, black; dorsal surface of abdomen metallic purplish-red, visible when wings are spreadgenerally larger and brighter green than native NA spp. Larva: body white to cream-colored, dorso-ventrally flattened; head brown, mostly retracted into prothorax; abdomen 10-segmented with pair of brown pincer-like appendages on last segment; segments 5-8 widen posteriorly, giving the abdomen a serrated appearance when viewed from above” (BugGuide, n.d.). Habitats: “classified as either the dominant or co-dominant species in 150 North American forest and shrubland communities” (BugGuide, n.d.). Similar species: Agrilus bilineatus/two-lined chestnut borer; Arilus anxius/...